quarta-feira, 25 de junho de 2014

Uma História*

Na varanda, varal
No céu, o sol
Na rua, pessoas
No amor, confiança
Uma gata ainda criança...

No fim de semana, trabalho
Na família, segurança
Nos móveis, poeira
Na praia, lembrança
Um adulto ainda criança...

Nas palavras, carinho
No chão, a certeza
No corpo, fadiga
Nas pedras, o caminho
Uma história, perseverança.

terça-feira, 24 de junho de 2014


It could have been different
I could have found you
So those fireworks would mean something to me
But nothing can be different from what it really is
So violence took me by surprise and pushed me on the floor
There was blood in my mouth, and the devil in those faces

I know that I’ve done everything wrong
I’ve said and I’ve felt everything wrong
I’ve felt what I couldn’t feel, what I couldn’t have
You have been doing right
You should keep away from my sorrow
That’s all I could ever give
You should be happy, so you should stay away
Coz there’s no place for happiness in my melancholy

I am all hurt
And what hurts the most
Is to think that I won’t have you
I won’t love you, you won’t love me
I won’t love you, you won’t love me
I won’t love you, you won’t love me

You go to distance and I stay here
Feeding the idea I make out of this
I’ve made up this idea, based on words you said
Based on promises of being near that serious look in your eyes

Crying makes me feel good, makes me feel alive
A victim of this feeling I insist to fantasize

You didn’t ask for any of this
And I’m so sorry for that
There’s so much you have to take care of
So please take care
I’ll be sad before I’m dead
You need joy, and you must have it
Not from me, I guess

They took a simple thing, which was part of my life
But they couldn’t make me stop thinking of you all the time
And you were there when I was there
Now I’m here and you somewhere
So far and deep inside of me

I shouldn’t be proud of crying until I fall asleep
But well, I am
And soon I’ll forget the stairs I rolled down
Trying to reach to you

I’m sure one day these words will lose their meaning
When you hate me and wish me to roll down those stairs
Then I’ll be gone, then I’ll be past
And that’s the beautiful violence of time

domingo, 22 de junho de 2014


A noite cria monstros
Que te perseguem durante o dia
Sorrindo horrivelmente
Alimentam-se dos seus temores
Das suas lágrimas, suas escolhas
Gritam seu nome
Apontam seus erros
Dizem que agora e no final
Não haverá paz
Dizem que não são monstros
E o seu pesadelo é real
Não há como escapar
Dos monstros feitos
À sua imagem e semelhança
Desespere, chore e se arrependa
De toda a dor que irá causar
Durma, acorde e se envaideça
Estes monstros nunca irão te abandonar

sábado, 21 de junho de 2014



Can you see my message?
I write so I can be with you
And live all the moments together
We never had

Can’t you see my message?
Please read these words I send to you
Let them caress your lips
Let them taste like tears

This loneliness and freedom
Is all I have, just can’t lose them
All I want is to be alone
To be alone with you

Be around, all over this place
I don’t see you in those faces
I need to close my eyes
And feel your body next to mine

Can’t you hold me now?
Please take these words
So I can be with  you
This is my message to you

domingo, 15 de junho de 2014

Walking Alone*


I was walking alone
In the streets that night
With lots of people in my mind
But only one I’d like to make mine
Just for sometime
It seems I’ll spend the rest of my life
Trying to understand what it feels like
To be in love, as if it’s the first time             

I've been living alone but I’ve got a mom
And she says “you must take care”
I know one day I’ll die alone
With the memories that filled my life

Love, I’ve been there so many times
To know that love will bring me
So much pain and plenty of hard times
All my experience says it won’t last
Though I can keep away from falling
Falling for the idea of being in love with you

segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2014

Body And Mind*

All the crazy things we do in life
All the reality we fantasize
The moments we allow life
To take its chances
The moments we risk
Some spontaneous happiness
Some unbelievable beauty
All the doubts the body
Easily and honestly solve
All the things we deeply want
Not believing when they come true
All delightful feelings of not knowing
Just being brave enough to take
Whatever the consequences they might be
Whatever it takes to be whole
All body and mind
Whatever it takes, for you and for me
To be whole, as long as it takes